Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Karkkia! Napa Illustrations / B-galleria Turku

Napa Illustrations exhibition in B-galleria Turku
1.11. - 23.11.2008! Opening: Friday 31.10. at 6pm,
Welcome :)

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Tuhru / International Animation Day

Tuhru starts a revolution on the International Animation Day
28th of October. The mini pixellation movie is shot in the park
by animating a group of people. Everyone is welcome to be

More info

Monday, 20 October 2008

Jenni Rope has won the first prize in YIA / Animation!!!

Jenni Rope has won the first prize of Young Illustrators Award
in the category of animation! Jenni's winning animation is called
"Kiipeilypuu". The competition was a part of Illustrative festival
in Zürich. The winners were announced on Saturday 18.10. at
the festival. Paljon onnea Jenni!!

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Illustrative 2008!

Napa Illustrations is one of the exhibitors at Illustrative
this year! Illustrative is the leading European forum for
contemporary illustration and graphic arts. Come and say
hi to us if you're in Zürich! We will be there from the 17th
untill the 26th of October. What is also great, is that Jenni Rope
and Ami Lindholm from Napa got nominated for the Young
Illustrator Award in the category of animation. Wow! Congrats!

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Save the penguin!

Valio clearly thought nobody would notice, but we can tell they
are phasing out their lovely old penguin logo! But did they really
have to drown the old one? I mean, we get the symbolism.

The new penguin sure looks very dynamic. And it pains me to say,
the kids will no doubt love it.